Monday, February 7, 2011

Profane Outbursts - And Another Epiphany

Well, so far, since my Winter Summmit Parenting Epiphanies... I only had one really bad day.... that was last Friday. That morning my middle child was refusing to cooperate or obey any simple request) Honestly, I cannot remember all the details due to the haze of emotions (not so much seeing red, as YELLOW). I am sure that he saw his Mama step back into the headlights, although I did not verbalize this. Finally, remember begging "Mama needs a TIME OUT! Mama needs a TIME OUT! I drug him out of my room bodily (by his feet? I think) and closed and locked my door.

He stayed right outside the door (so I know he was safe). I know this because and repeatedly kicked it, indefinitely. I called my husband on the phone and spoke allowed hateful words that I don't think I have ever verbalized about the fruit of my womb before (and hope never again). "I hate that little Bastard!" I wept.

For some reason I have been overly transparent lately... without for really thinking about who I am talking to, or worse, in front of. So, following this trend I loudly confessed this a few hours after it happened while the wound was still fresh, to two dear ladies at Home School PE (one with a precious baby girl on her lap). All this while my four year old was wrapped around my ankle (though thankfully I am quite sure he was oblivious--not that I checked before spilling my guts). And, of course I quoted myself QUITE audibly.

First off, I have to report that I got my period the next day and have been punished by the worst cramps in recent years. I also have not been able to get the looks of my friends sweet faces out of my mind. The Shock and the Horror. I believe it was mostly due to the fact that I just used filthy language at Home School PE (I mean, I am still horrified). But it may be that I used filthy language at all. Or that I could have said such a heinous thing at all about my own precious offspring, let alone repeated it. So anyway, I have been feeling bad about it. And thinking on it quite a bit. I am so thankful more little ears were not in range! I am regretting the "spillage" both the first (to my husband) and the second (the inappropriately timed confession), but wondering mostly, "Where on earth did that come from in the first place, I mean after all... he is my deeply loved child... and I am married to his father!?"

I have been reading a lovely (and some might say strange, though not I) combination of To Train Up a Child, Grace Based Parenting, Love and Logic and Scream-Free Parenting. All of which, I believe, are full of gems of Biblical wisdom (whether or not they quote scriptures). In recent days a lot verses about discipline have been brought to my attention by the former. And through His Word, I believe God answered my question.

In Hebrews chapter 12, starting about verse 5, the author talks all about how God disciplines His children and that, in fact, those He does not discipline are his illegitimate children (some versions actually use 'bastard'). The Message softens it to educate, while the KJV uses scourge! Proverbs 13:24 tells us that not correcting our child's behavior is not showing love to our child but is the opposite. I like the NET translation: "The one who spares his rods hates his child, but the one who loves his child is diligent in disciplining him." Let's face it. I have been inconsistent in training my children. No wonder in a moment of passion I could say, "I hate that little bastard". I have been treating Him like that!!

Now in case this was unclear in anyway. I love my children. I adore them. I would die to protect them. However, in my selfishness, I have not been treating them the way a loving mother should. I hope if I yelled, "Freeze!" to protect my child from danger (whether it be an oncoming car or an approaching coyote) that my children will stop in their tracks. At this point, I have not trained very well. =/ What if there is not time to say "Freeze!!! Please Freeze! (Insert Child's Full Name Here), look at me.... In the eyes... Please... stop... moving. NOW!"

Anywhooooooo. So we are working on a couple things starting this week at 3RAcademy. The kids focus is first time obedience. The coolest thing about first time obedience, is that as a don't even have a chance to get mad. Consequences on the first offense. No time for the mounting annoyance of a child who repeatedly refuses to obey. Mommy's focus is on proper use of her tongue.

Proverbs 29:11 KJV
A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

Proverbs 31:26 KJV
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Proverbs 21:23 KJV
Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.


  1. In those moments of weakness cry out...cry out verbally and aloud to God. He sees you sitting on your bed sobbing your heart out. Run to Him. Affirm out loud "You are my fortress" and rebuke the enemy. I've stood at the sink more than once and called out to declare to Satan that he has no power in this home or in this woman's heart of mine. Praying for strength for you and for binding of the tongue. It's tough and you must be on the right track 'cause the enemy is clearly trying to derail you! Keep it up! Love you bunches!!

  2. so what do you think about the books to train up a child and grace based parenting. i've read both of the books. at first i did not like grace based parenting, but i am seeing it in new light now. i understand it more maybe. we all have struggles in the training of our children, but i think it's more than that. it's training ourselves too.

  3. I really loved 'To Train Up a Child" and I am fan of the Pearls who I believe 'tell it like it is', as well as a huge Tim Kimmell fan - I have been blessed to hear him speak a couple times. Sometimes, reading Tim's book I keep thinking "ummmm - what about ornery LITTLE kids!" I think if I was starting all over I would do things quite a bit differently in baby/toddler stage, training them to obey THEN (taking the Pearls advice). And not waiting till I am wrestling a moosey 5 year old to try to get compliance. I think there is a lot of good stuff to be learned from both authors and that they probably agree more than disagree, even though they would probably be categorized as polar opposites. I bought the Child Training 101 video by the Pearls and was impressed to hear Michael Pearl say, "If spanking is not working for your child, don't do it". I also bought an audio about strong willed kids from Tim Kimmell...and I know I liked it but I am going to have to give it another listen!
    Sorry if this was a rambling response. Hitting the Hay! Thanks for stopping by Treasure! And Jacci too, muah!

  4. And I just have to add, Treasure, that you are so right... it is really about training ourselves. I can't train my kids in first time obedience if I can't train myself to respond properly to first time disobedience!!! This is so my problem! Mama is a slacka!!! =)
