Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jumping Off that Train

My hubby started suggesting home schooling now and then, to which I would mutter something under my breath like, ‘then you do it,” or “bite me”. He would suggest it when we heard stories of school violence. He would suggest it when our daughter would come home ‘surly’. He would suggest it when he saw his friends with older kids immersed in the Sports Culture of Oklahoma. He would suggest it when I voiced concern over theories being taught as truth in schools. So finally after much stubborn resistance, I started to really think about it.

I remember coasting through school, never being challenged, and only occasionally being interested. I got good grades (many thanks to the curve), but I was confused. Mostly I unsure about God, the Universe and Everything. I stayed confused for a long, long time. I used to go to summer camp at Rawhide Ranch where I heard I little bit of the truth of Jesus Christ, usually at Wednesday night campfire. Afterwords, as I went on through life attempting to follow Christ, the Bible didn’t seem to jibe with the ‘truth’ I grew up learning; namely popular theories like Evolution, Humanism, The Big Bang, and ‘Many Paths to God’. I wonder if it would have been different if I went to Christian School and grew up with a Christian World View instead of a Secular World View? I am certain it would have been; my old world view is still baggage I carry!

As soon as I became a Mom, I knew that my number one goal in parenting was to impart faith in Jesus Christ to my kids. I do not want them on the long hard and brokenhearted road to nowhere I traveled before I finally chose the narrow path. I love them more than life, why would I not illuminate the path I hope they will choose to walk?

As second grade began, I began thinking more and more about how on I could ensure my daughter learned the truth when she was away from me from 8 hours every day. When she gets home she doesn’t want to spend the remaining 4 hours until bedtime with me (which stinks because I want to spend it with her). She wants to play outside and with her friends!

Our town has great schools as far as public schools go, but I really have had no clue what is going on since day one. I want my kids to learn the truth of the history of our great nation and its founding fathers. The more I research, the more I realize that doesn’t happen at public school anymore. I want my children to be taught Biblical and historical truth. And that Truth exists!

I see my friends with older kids constantly shuttling kids from different schools to different sports practices and games. They have nary a moment to breath, let alone to pass on wisdom, or teach by example or have a deep conversation or enjoy a meal around the table as a family. We are not there yet but we are on the same train! I realized it is not too late. It’s not going so fast we can’t jump off (and even if it were –we could still jump – I just reckon it would hurt a bit more)!

After much of research and prayer and getting that peaceful easy feeling that comes from on High. I have become certain that at this time, this is God’s will for OUR FAMILY. We are jumping off the train. =)